~Pain ~ FO ~ Puppy~
Ugh! Dentist!! Am I the only person that can NOT eat popcorn??? Am I? I love popcorn, popcorn is low in calories (definately a HUGE plus), a person can eat a good amount of popcorn without guilt! THIS person, however, can not eat popcorn without a painful trip to the dentist a week later to have the $%@#$ hulls dug out of her incredibly swollen and painful gums! Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly grateful that there is nothing wrong with the two teeth under the lovely crowns that are surrounding the pain, but the throbbing on the side of my face is causing my eye to twitch, and since I work in an elementary school, twitching isn't necessarily a good thing! Little children are frightened by twitches ;) Ah well, live and learn - I'll learn for another 5 years until I forget how much this hurts and then I'll probably eat "just a little"! On to happier subjects.... THE earrings! ![]() They are finally finished! They were fun to make, but I'll work on some "normal" sized socks for now! Speaking of "normal" sized socks -- I had a sock (similar in style to the previous FO's I posted) half done last night. While sitting happily in my chair (listening to the monsoon-like rains that are causing my yard to look like a pond), nice and cozy, knitting away - My World Was Good -despite the throbbing in my face.Out of no where comes Beau running at full speed between my sock and my knitting bag, grabbing the working yarn on his way by, ripping the needles out of my hands and unraveling the sock down to NOTHING! I love my puppy, I love my puppy, I love my puppy......... I have started the socks again and am getting ready to turn the heel -- puppy still has a home, and is still loved. Stay dry and happy knitting! Cath |
Comments on "~Pain ~ FO ~ Puppy~"
Sorry about the popcorn. It is yummy and bothers my gums too.
The earring socks are too cute!