~What a Babe~ ;)
I've been a knitting fool the last couple of days, probably because that's all I've been up for :( I'm sick AGAIN! Stomach is fine, throat, ears and body are not happy now! I'm hoping that this will take care of it for the winter ;) We shall see! For now, I have my liquids and my needles - Yesterday I watched The Thorn Birds (I get sucked in every time it's on and sit there for the WHOLE 5 or 6 hours that it's on), after that was over at 11, I channel surfed and came across Shakespeare in Love and watched that until 1. ![]() I was in the process of knitting the Knitted Babes doll (see above) a sweater (the sweater has grown since I took that picture) - which I frogged THREE TIMES! it wasn't coming out the right size - - swatch you say? I was going to swatch, but the sweater is the size of a swatch so I figured I'd just get on with it. I ended up changing yarns and knitting the sweater in the round (thanks to all of the wonderful people who have given me all of their tips and tricks regarding converting flat to round). The doll's sweater is being knit in Austermann's Elaine in that lovely mauve color- it is wonderful yarn - so incredibly soft and easy to knit, although frogging would be pretty much out of the question. I'm enjoying this yarn so much that I think I might have to make a pair of fingerless gloves with it. I have some more in a lovely rich blue and also lavendar.I'm enjoying making the dolls very much, they are quick and easy, great mindless knitting that will make wonderful gifts. I'm very much looking forward to casting on for my fingerless gloves - maybe tomorrow night. Although, the "Babe" could use some features and hair don't ya think? lol Now on to a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Do any of you notice anything different about the 6 balls of yarn in the picture below? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? (feel free to click on the thumbnail for a closer look) I used the ball winder yesterday to wind up some of the Caron's Simply Soft ( a gift) that I figure I can use to make a few more dolls and possibly accessories. I had to rewind the white and black twice because the balls are HUGE and kept getting caught on the tension arm of the winder. I'm grateful for any extra yarn, but totally perplexed that the same size skeins are so different in yardage. Some are very large and some are medium and none of them are the same! Oh well, my rant for the day - I think I've been in the house too long ;) I'm off to watch Under the Tuscan Sun with my oldest daughter - enjoy the rest of your evening and have a good Monday! Cath |
Comments on "~What a Babe~ ;)"
I am so sorry to hear that you're under the weather again!! I feel so bad for you- you've been hit left and right this past week. On the upside, your knitted babe looks great! I can't wait to see her with her clothes and accessories. And face. ;-) Just kidding! She really looks good. And that mauve yarn you're using for your sweater is such a beautiful color. That's so odd about the skeins having different yardages. I wonder if that's more common than we realize. BTW, The Thorn Birds is such a vacuum cleaner- it always sucks me in, too! :-)
Oh no, sick again? That wasn't part of the deal - you and I were BOTH supposed to be well by now!!! Those babe dolls are so cute - I had seen another one on someonse else's blog. They would make wonderful Christmas presents. The color of the doll sweater is beautiful!!! FEEL BETTER SOON.