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    Location: Massachusetts

    I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)

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    Thursday, October 07, 2010

    MOVED :)

    Hi everyone! I know I have failed miserably at my New Year's Resolution of blogging at least once a week.... but.... I'm hoping that will all change now that this Tightly Wound woman has a new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please come visit me and change your bookmarks to my new site at Will be posting soon and hoping to see you all there :)

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010


    I LOVE when my brain finally kicks into gear and I actually accomplish something! I have wanted to knit a cable scarf that was simply just a cable for a long time. Now, you know when you have a picture of something in your head, and you search for a pattern to go along with that picture?.... it's usually an effort in futility - or at least it tends to be that way for me anyway ;)

    I found a scarf that fit the bill perfectly on Ravelry but was unable to reach the designer to purchase the pattern. I then found another pattern that I loved, also on Ravelry, but it wasn't reversible :( This is where my "AH HA!" moment comes in..... it suddenly occurred to me that.... 1) I KNOW how to cable... and.... 2) I also KNOW how to make cables reversible!

    So, since I've been home with the flu, bronchitis and an ear infection for a week and a half, I've had plenty of time to knit! I went "shopping" in my stash and found yarn to match the mittens I had been making for my daughter Melyssa, and I was ready to go!

    I am MORE than thrilled with the result and will be making many, many more of these - a jump start on Christmas 2010 knitting?! now THAT would be something! :) That is.... AFTER I make myself one and no doubt my other two daughters will put in a request for one of these also!

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    The pattern info is here if you are interested.
    I think, for my younger girls, I'll make this a little narrower and longer, as they LOVE to wrap scarves around their neck in different ways... the possibilities are endless! lol
    Now... I am heading back to the couch with my liquids, tissues and knitting .... it's time to FINALLY finish up those mittens to go with the NEW scarf!

    Wednesday, January 06, 2010

    ~Mission Accomplished!~

    Well here I am again.... ahead of schedule! While I would be proud of myself, I have to admit that the reason I have time to post is that I am home from work sick :( Will have to head to the Dr. at some point as I believe I'm heading for a nasty case of bronchitis or pneumonia!

    Enough of that though! Nikki had asked me if I could knit her a "chunky beret"...... of COURSE I can! lol So.... I got her up on Ravelry and set her loose on the beret search. She couldn't believe how many patterns there were to choose from, but she had an idea of what she wanted and how she wanted it to look (Nikki, if I haven't told you all before, is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY into fashion and knows EXACTLY what she wants and how it should look at all times - she is on a path to give the "What Not to Wear" crew a run for their money!) and this is what she came up with..... The Star Crossed Slouchy Beret.

    The original pattern was done in worsted weight, but Nikki wanted it to be chunky, so she rummaged through the bins in my craft closet and came up with a beautiful "huckleberry" colored chunky yarn and I started in on the project.

    I have to say that I was nervous about the yarn as I didn't want to change the needle sizes (she has a small head) and I knew that the chunky yarn could be a bit stiff at that gauge... but off I went anyway. I started the beret Monday afternoon and finished early Monday evening (working the pattern as written). AMAZINGLY quick knit!

    This is what it looked like just off the needles (I was VERY nervous that it was going to look like a chef's hat!)


    So we put a plate in it, misted it lightly to block and left it over night.


    She is THRILLED with the finished product and so am I :)

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    I would like to make this in a worsted weight as I think it would be a softer, slouchier beret, but she has ALL of her very long hair tucked up in it and tells me it is warm and comfortable. What more could a Knitter/Mom ask for :)