In my very first post for this blog, I mentioned that I sometimes have a short attention span when it comes to projects - - - that I can be fickle - and that my projects are often random. Well, I haven't changed much since then! lol If you remember, I had planned on finishing the circular throw (among other things). Well a certain someone told me what a WONDERFUL pillow this would make and how MUCH they would LOVE to have such a WONDERFUL pillow - what a WONDERFUL surprise it would be ..... you getting the idea? Soooooo.... MY circular throw is a PILLOW! I now need to start ANOTHER one for me. I have also recently mentioned that I was casting on my fingerless gloves, yup I did, and wanna know how far I've come along on those? they are CAST ON! So in light of all of this, I left my cast on fingerless gloves, my not yet cast on Fuzzy Feet, my now non-existent circular throw and my bottomless babe and made THIS, actually TWO of them (bodies that is, they are not finished..... naturally ;))!
I made the one on the left first - it was some kind of fuzzy yarn that got really fuzzy where the dpn's changed - not sure I like the striped look. So I had some of this loopy yarn (I think they were both Reynolds - I got them at the warehouse last year for mittens), but I don't know what the name is. I am enjoying making this little guy as it moves along quickly - I made both bodies in less than an hour and I'm not a superfast knitter by any stretch of the imagination. So there you have it, I am fickle!
Now for a quick note..... I just thought I'd let whoever happens upon this blog know that Lisa has started a Knit-a-long called "Naked Stix by 2006" to finish up all the WIP's we all have going - - which means it's time for me to take stock and start counting! ugh!. Check it out if you have time!
Also, after two days of tears and talking with us, her wonderful Guidance Councelor and a few kids from the Honors group, Em made the decision to move. I'm very proud of her for weighing the pro's and con's and for taking such a huge step in conquering her fears. I think a lot of growing up was done in the last few days. I certainly wouldn't want to be her age again! I'm off to take a nice hot shower as the dog trainer came tonight and I'm tired and sore. Our Beau is a very "confident" dog - which in my language would be a completely different word ;)
Have a great night! Cath |
Comments on "~Fickle~"
I've looked at that little bear pattern and loved it. I'm afraid it might be a little hard for me, but maybe I'll give it a shot. Might be good for Christmas presents. How wonderful that Em took her time, talked to people, and made an informed decision. Good for her!!! And thanks for the info on the new KAL . . . I'll have to check it out. I'm fickle too, so it would be great to get those WIP's finished.
Todays word verification- nutsbw. That's me - NUTS By the Way
You must be so proud of Em for making such a brave decision. Good for her! You're doing a wonderful job of raising and thoughtful and courageous daughter.
Your circular throw (rather, the pillow formerly known as circular throw, I guess I should say ;-)) is beautiful! I love the idea of converting it to a pillow. I love the knitty Bubby bear, and I didn't realize it knitted up so fast. Hmmm...another item to add to the queue... And thanks for the info on the Naked Stix KAL. What a fantastic idea! I'll be checking it out for sure. (Just to up the freak-out factor a little more...:-)) I totally cracked up at the comment you left about the Thanksgiving Hustle! You can bet there's going to be a post about that soon. ;-)
BTW, thanks to you, I now have a new euphemism for Stinky...she's "confident!"
Enjoy Panda Craze - it's everything I look for in a game, and kept me very busy at work when I should have been doing lots of other stuff!!!
Hello from Me in Montana !!!
I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your photos, now feel as if you are a friend I haven't met IN PERSON yet. I have a whole clan of relatives in Massachusetts so I am very fond of that state. I am wanting and wanting to get a copy of your "little bear pattern"; how can I do that? I'd be glad to pay for it plus S & H.