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Knitting from the Heart

About Me
- Name: Cathy
- Location: Massachusetts
I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)
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Blogs I Enjoy
- *Amy Artisan
- *Dances With Wool
- *Fell in Love with a Purl
- *Fluffy Knitter
- *The Giving Flower
- *Guilty Pleasures
- *I Was Knit Together in My Mother's Womb
- *Knitty Blog
- *Kris Knits
- *Mason Dixon Knitting
- *Mistress Stash Enhancer
- *Mostly Self Taught
- *nothingbutknit
- *Poor Miss Finch
- *Stoneview
- *Two Wooden Sticks and a Ball of Wool
- *Yarn Harlot
Pattern and Informational Sites
- *Great Knitting Links
- *Dishcloth Boutique
- *More Dishcloth Patterns
- *Free Pattern Directory
- *Reversible Scarf Patterns *
- *Sock Knitting Tips Websites
- *Free Sock Pattern Links
- *Hints & Tips of Sock Knitting
- *Knitters Graph Paper
- ~Knitting Help
- *Knitty
- *Knitting Geek
- *MagKnits
- *Craft Yarn Council

Previous Posts
- ~Fickle~
- ~My Favorite Things~
- ~Never a dull moment~
- ~What a Babe~ ;)
- ~MeMe and more Me? lol~
- ~Who needs a stomach anyway?~
- ~Life gets in the way~
- ~Reading and Knitting~
- ~Ramblings~
- ~Stir 'n Drop Oatmeal Cookies~

Comments on "~Baking, Shopping, Cleaning! Oh My!~"
Do you have to keep reminding me that Thanksgiving IS LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY??!! LOL. I like my pretend world better, where I get to spend the next week knitting away leisurely. Sounds like you've definitely got a full plate (pun intended ;-)), too!! I guess it's going to be a busy, busy week...but I think it'll all be worth it once you get to finally sit down and enjoy your family's company. It's getting to that point that drives me crazy, though! So glad to hear that Em is doing well in her new class. :-) Beau is still such a cutie- even if he does stick his nose in the kitty litter box!!