~Monday, Monday..... Can't Trust that Day!~
~~~~anyone want to sing along with me??????? Today, Monday, has surely lived up to its reputation! I STILL have no internet or network connection in my new office, which leaves my hands literally tied and is causing me to become very close friends with my CDRW disk! Everything I do has to be saved to the disk and brought to a computer that IS connected to be printed! Web Page updating is out of the question - I have no choice but to live with it, for the time being, until it gets straightened out. Sooooooooooo...... I came home, picked up, cleaned the bathroom YET AGAIN and made dinner, (Chili Soup which is actually more like a stew - yummy and hearty - the recipe came from my paternal Grandmother in Ohio. If any of you are interested, I'd be happy to post it, along with a picture, if I can get one before it's all gone!) cleaned the kitchen and took a nice looooooong, hot shower. Then on to the BEST part of the day..... I excitedly grabbed my dpn's and my Queensland yarn, settled into a comfy chair with a nice warm afghan and cast on THE socks! As soft and wonderful as the Llama Seta is, the Kathmandu is not. It is somewhat coarse and irregular..... not initially great to work with, but I was optimistic. I knit a 2x2 rib for a few inches and FROGGED - I repeated this process THREE TIMES! I am now sitting here at the computer and the evil, Evil, EVIL wool is on the other side of the room with some pointy sticks skewering it!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() On a brighter note I have joined a new KAL! Multidirectional Knitting - I can't wait to give it a try. "Learn to knit in continuous modules without having to cut yarn or pick up stitches. The moderator, Iris Schreier, author of MODULAR KNITS (Lark, 2005) and co-founder of Artyarns, will offer free patterns as well as assistance and lots of photos for inspiration." I'm excited about this - I love to try new things! I have a question for those of you out there in blogland.... I use bamboo dpn's the majority of the time as the metal ones (especially the smaller sizes) seem to bother my hands/shoulder when I knit with them. I mostly have Clover's but the size I needed for the CURSED SOCKS this evening were Plymouth. I found them to be so MUCH smoother than the Clover, the yarn, as nasty as it was, just slid right along. Is this a fluke? are the Plymouth all like this? Just curious - I liked them a lot. I'm off to bed to dream of more compliant, less evil yarn! |
Comments on "~Monday, Monday..... Can't Trust that Day!~"
Hi Cathy-
First off, have you thought of washing the evil yarn BEFORE you knit it to soften it up some? You can skein it and tie it up then wash it in baby shampoo and some creme rinse in th final bath and most yarns become soft and lovely.
As far as bamboo DPN's go, Clover's are sort of the "Red Heart" of the needle spectrum.. cheap and sturdy but not so nice to knit with. Plymouth DPN's are lovely, great points, smooth...but Crystal Palace are my favs...the rolls royce of DPN's!! I have a set of Addi/Skacel bamboos too, i would rank them as slightly below Plymouth...ok, so I have a little needle addiction. Don't judge :)
I have Bryspun, Pony Pearls and Brittany Birch too if you want a review...and that ONLY covers my DPN selection ;)
I have found that the CP needles are much, much nicer for bamboo needles than the Clover. So to answer your question, I think they are just better. Period.
I also love my Pony Pearl DPNs (but not the circs - icky join - evil, in fact).
I am starting to allow my Addi Turbo affliction to invade my knitting entirely and have started magic looping everything I can, so I haven't been using my DPNs as often as I used to...as a result, I am slowly making sure that my Addi Turbo collection has every size in at least a 40" length. I read that if you have a 40+" Addi Turbo in every size, you will never need another needle...we'll see.
Happy New Year, Cathy!! Hope Tuesday was a more trustworthy day than Monday. ;-) Your Chili Soup sounds delicious...I'd love the recipe, if you don't mind. I forgot to thank you earlier for the French Toast bake recipe. I'm hoping to give that one a try very soon. A warm, comforting breakfast with no morning fuss is right up my alley. I'm interested to see your multidirectional knitting, too. I'm not very familiar with it, but the projects I've seen look fantastic. I don't have any Plymouth or Crystal Palace dpns, but I've heard they're wonderful to work with. They're getting added to my wish list as we speak! ;-) Take care and I'll be back soon to catch up on the posts I've missed. :-)