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Knitting from the Heart

About Me
- Name: Cathy
- Location: Massachusetts
I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)
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Blogs I Enjoy
- *Amy Artisan
- *Dances With Wool
- *Fell in Love with a Purl
- *Fluffy Knitter
- *The Giving Flower
- *Guilty Pleasures
- *I Was Knit Together in My Mother's Womb
- *Knitty Blog
- *Kris Knits
- *Mason Dixon Knitting
- *Mistress Stash Enhancer
- *Mostly Self Taught
- *nothingbutknit
- *Poor Miss Finch
- *Stoneview
- *Two Wooden Sticks and a Ball of Wool
- *Yarn Harlot
Pattern and Informational Sites
- *Great Knitting Links
- *Dishcloth Boutique
- *More Dishcloth Patterns
- *Free Pattern Directory
- *Reversible Scarf Patterns *
- *Sock Knitting Tips Websites
- *Free Sock Pattern Links
- *Hints & Tips of Sock Knitting
- *Knitters Graph Paper
- ~Knitting Help
- *Knitty
- *Knitting Geek
- *MagKnits
- *Craft Yarn Council

Previous Posts
- ~The Aftermath~
- ~Better Late than Never?~
- ~What a Week~
- ~The Thanksgiving Aftermath~
- ~Happy Thanksgiving~
- ~ I Am Weak ~ but happy ;) ~
- ~Pumpkin Cheesecake Squares~
- ~Baking, Shopping, Cleaning! Oh My!~
- ~Fickle~

Comments on "~NINE DAYS!!!!!!!!~"
I feel for you! We have almost everything done, but I'm not half as busy as you. I thinks it's easier when the kids are little-just buy their gifts and be done. I hope. Oh gosh I forgot...
Ah, nine days???? I must be crazy if I think I'll get everything done - trust me, you are way ahead of the game compared to me! Take a deep breath, you can do it. And if not, it's okay - Christmas will be fine with a few less cookies or a dusty house. :) Have fun in Danbury . . . the mall there is one of the best in CT.
Gosh, you've got so much on your plate right now! I don't know how you manage to do even half of all that you do. We're all cheering you on- you can do it, Cathy! And like Karen said, even if it doesn't all get done, it's really okay...the most important thing is to enjoy the holidays and to spend time creating memories with all the special people in your life. I'm sure just your being with your family will make it a "perfect" holiday in their eyes. Take care!! :-)