~It's Over?~
![]() I hope you all had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas (insert your holiday). It always amazes me how quickly it goes once it finally gets here. So much planning, rushing, worrying, shopping, baking, wrapping and it is POOF! gone so fast! I was sick (truly miserable), but managed to make it through, hopefully without sharing my sickness with anyone. We had a very nice Christmas Eve, spending time with my parents, going to Mass and everyone but me went to my brother-in-law's for some family fun. I just couldn't make it, so Beau and I snuggled up on the couch for a while. I was up most of the night coughing, and my Em woke up at around 5:30, followed by her younger sister at 6ish. The kids all loved their gifts as did Beau. I had put together a "French Toast Bake" the night before and popped that in the oven when we started opening gifts, so we had a fuss free WONDERFUL breakfast. My sister found the recipe and shared, it's a keeper. I had a houseful for dinner and dessert, it was wonderful to have everyone here. It was also wonderful to go to bed that night :) The girls and I made a return today and came right back home. It was a low key day and I have to admit I enjoyed not feeling as though I "had" to be doing something. I have mountains of laundry to catch up on, but that will still be there tomorrow. I haven't knit a thing - but I feel no urgent rush - I never finished the girl's "Knitted Babes" for Christmas, so I will shoot for Valentine's Day on those. I am off work this week, but will be going in to move myself upstairs into my own office. I am somewhat torn over this move as I am one of the Computer Teachers at the moment. I LOVE the kids and seeing the excitement and joy on their faces when they master something new. However, I have been working at two jobs simultaneously for much too long and it is finally catching up with me. Along with working with the kids, I also take care of all of the "computer" work for the school, i.e., emergency contact plans, webpage, handbooks, flyers, pamphlets etc. It is all suffering at this point. I will miss being with the kids every day more than I can imagine - I love them all. They are so much fun and come out with the cutest things. Then there is the Junior High, always a challenge, but some kind of wonderful too! I received a gift with a note from one of the young ladies in the 7th grade addressed to the "bestest computer teacher ever"! (she was kidding about her use of the word bestest) - I've known her since she was in Kindergarten. So I will be hurting for a while over this. On the bright side, I will still be working with the Junior High two periods a week, on the dark side, I won't be working with the little ones anymore. Say a prayer for me. I hope that my having agreed to this is the right course of action for me. I had intended this to be a "quick" post, but here I am spewing my insecurities out to you all! Thanks for listening. Sleep well and enjoy your Tuesday! ![]() |
Comments on "~It's Over?~"
I'm so sorry to hear that you were so sick on Christmas, but it sounds like you managed to have a nice time in spite of that. You're so right about how quickly the holiday flies once it's here! BTW, your French Toast Bake sounds wonderful...is it a top-secret family recipe or are you allowed to share it with your hungry blog pals? ;-) You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you transition to your "new" position. Isn't it ironic how you and Em both seem to be going through different but parallel transitions almost simultaneously? I know how hard it must be to leave a position you love- especially one where you have the gratification of working with the children hands-on. But, I know you'll do great no matter where you are, and I hope this change will be a positive one for you. And your health definitely comes first- overworking must be taxing on you. Take care and know that we're all thinking about you and cheering you on, Cathy! :-)
Ah, Chris beat me to all my comments!! I hope you are feeling better - it sounds like you had a nice Christmas in spite of the germies. I too would love the French Toast Bake recipe if it isn't a family secret!! It's so sad to leave a job - and it must be so much harder when it has things you love like working with the kids. I'm sure once you settle in to the "new" routine you will be happy with it though.
So your Christmas went as fast as mine? Funny how that goes. You poor thing, I hope you're feeling a bit better now. I know how it is to be sick on a holiday, I'm always the one to be sick. It's probably the stress beforehand that has lowered your imune system.
Oh I wish you luck in your transition at work. I know how you feel, I teach as well and love my kids. When I left work 5 years ago (to have my son) it wasn't easy leaving my six graders. Those were my kids. It's time for me to go back to work this year (in Germany you get 3 years off per baby) and I'm probably going to working in a new branch of the school. Just like you, I'm torn about the decision. I'm trying to convince myself that change is good.