What better to way to soothe oneself, than a trip to the LYS? Well...... A trip to the LYS that is having a sale! I have to say that this made me feel better and I am still feeling the affects! (The pictures are clickable thumbnails)
Here we have some Symphonie and Lambs Pride for a felted bag that I will begin shortly FOR ME! The Lambs Pride was purchased because I needed one more hank of the Symphonie to make the size bag I have planned and I bought the last two in that colorway. I'm thinking a stripe near the top with the Lambs Pride might be pretty. Nestled in the middle of the picture is a hank of Fleece Artist in absolutely gorgeous shades of burgundy - I LOVE IT! (I couldn't NOT buy sock yarn)
Here we have some Noro Silk Garden, 3 balls in the 201 colorway and 2 balls in the 47 colorway, they are truly lovely.
Not only did I soothe my soul with purchases, I also had a bit of fun with my swift, I really DO LOVE playing with this . I wound the three hanks I bought, plus three Cascade 220's that were waiting for winding. If I had had more time, I would have pulled out the bucket of yarn (in the stash.... shhhhhhhhh) that has more unwound hanks just waiting to be "swiftly wound" ! lol (It's the pain med making the horrific jokes, don't hold it against me;))
"Little" Beau had some fun watching the swift while it was turning and then keeping a close eye on the skein of Lamb's Pride I wound when I was done with the rest. He had my foot under his head and his nose to the yarn the entire time! It was very funny.
Finally, I just had to jump on the word cloud bandwagon. This was fun, I played with the colors and had a hard time decided which one to post.

I head off to the dentist for the first of possibly two root canals on Monday morning, your positive thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Comments on "~Stash Enhancement... For Medicinal Purposes Only~"
Your LYS sounded like the perfect way to soothe yourself. Your yarn is all beautiful . . . can't wait to see the wonderful projects you'll knit up with it. I'll be thinking of you Monday and sending you soothing thoughts.
Hope all went well with the dentist yesterday and you made quite a haul from the sale! My cat sits on the table and watches the swift spin, he'll come flying in out of nowhere as soon as he hears it start spinning.
oh I hope the detist trip went well. Just keep that yarn in mind.