~TWLK Mom emerges from Softball Field!~
Craziness abounds here at Casa de Softball! I haven't posted because I just didn't think that there would be much anyone would be interested in reading - Mark, Matt and Lyss went on the Father/"Son" fishing trip to Jackman, ME last Thursday-Sunday, leaving the two younger girls and myself here. We had some fun together along with lots of softball an emergency trip to the dentist and a minor case of the stomach bug (both me!). We stayed up late, watched movies and laughed a lot - it is very funny when kids are old enough to "get" the humor in some Disney movies. For example, they decided to dig through the old VCR tapes and pulled out the Aladdin movies - for those of you who haven't seen these, Robin Williams is the voice of the Genie and he is hysterical. The girls laughed SO HARD, that I ended up laughing at them! They didn't remember the movies being that funny when they were little - they are definately growing up! *********************************************************** I won some goodies on EBay last week and received them in the mail on Friday - the picture on the left is what they showed and the picture on the right is what I received - a few extra goodies thrown in as a bonus! I love my new/old Darning eggs and all of the wonderful darning threads/yarn etc. Christimas in May! lol ![]() ![]() ************************************************************* *************************************************************** ********************8**************************** I also played with my Flickr badge a few weeks ago and uploaded more stuff. I have made the badge a "craft" badge, not just a knitting badge. After looking through it, I realized that until recently I didn't take many pictures of my knitted items before giving them away - don't you just LOVE digital cameras! ************************************************************** I picked up my Mother's Day Gift - a 4G MP3 Player (I attached a little glass Panda bead on the right so the kiddos would know it was mine) and got to play with that this weekend. I have my Diana Gabaldon Outlander Series loaded on it (unfortunately I had to load the abridged version as I doubt the unabridged would fit - I'd need an I Pod for that), and about 600 songs - I am MOST DEFINATELY good to go now! ![]() ******************************************************** Monday we had three softball games and didn't get home until almost 10 - yesterday we had one, and the Varsity are playing their last regular season game today, before the District Finals start. Nicole's Fibonacci Project made it into the Math Fair which will also be held this week! YAY! Em and Lyss have tournaments in Taunton this coming weekend, so I will have to pack up some knitting and settle in for some serious game watching! This weekend will be the easiest of the summer because the two tournaments are in the same town - Mark and I will be able to switch off games and get to see both girls play. *************************************************************** Well I'm off to get a hair cut, catch up on some laundry and MAYBE knit a bit! Have a great day. |
Comments on "~TWLK Mom emerges from Softball Field!~"
Yowza, you've been busy! Sounds like you had a great time with the girls and here's to lots of knitting time this weekend. It's supposed to be REALLY nice almost all weekend! Enjoy!
You really are a busy woman!! Can I ask you what a scissor fob is?
Wow, you have been busy. Sorry to hear about the stomach bug and the tooth - not fun!!! I love Aladdin . . . my grandmother bought me the tape even though I was in high school (or college??) when it came out! How cool that you got an MP3 player - I'm so jealous!! (I have one on my b-day list, but I know I'm not getting one this year) Have fun with it!!
Sounds like a fun time with the girls! Enjoy the new mp3 player! :)
You have been super super busy!
Hope you enjoy this weekend, and here's wishing the girls best of luck in their tournaments. Here's to finding some knitting time this weekend! Those baby socks are really cute : )
Love all your new stuff! Could one of those fobs possibly be for me hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? ;) They are very nice, you'll have to show me how you made them!
YAY Darning Eggs! All your new goodies look fab!
I have my grandma's darning egg. I use it all the time when I weave in the ends on my socks.
I also found my darning egg on eBay. I went looking for one at Joanne's and they laughed at me. Oh well that's what I get for being old.