~Spring is Springing!~
![]() Thanks so much for your kind Anniversary wishes! We had a nice anniversary, probably not as exciting a day as 20 years ago, but very nice anyway! We went out for a nice dinner, a few drinks, some laughs and "chatting" which we very SELDOM get to do anymore. I sometimes worry that when the kids are grown and gone that we will not know each other anymore, that we will wake up one day and realize we are living with strangers. Anyone else ever feel this way? In any event, the dinner was wonderful, and on our way home, I, on a whim, pulled into the bookstore, leaving dh in the car and bought myself an anniversary gift (any excuse right?). I bought a copy of Mason Dixon Knitting and have been enjoying it immensely ever since! I love the fact that the slip stitch dishcloth is in the book as it was the second dishcloth I ever made, but I of course, wouldn't have thought of making a rug out of these little squares! The twists on the log cabin blanket are fantastic and the fun of "listening to these great ladies "talk" makes it a great read" I knew it would be a good book as I have always enjoyed the blog. Kay and Ann's blog was one of the very first blogs I ever read (I believe the Harlot and Lolly were the others), but the book is FANTASTIC - it is fun to read and full of great ideas that aren't complicated at all. The wonderful kind of ideas that you can take with you to the ball field, knit in the car, play around with and make your own - I love it! Not a lot of knitting happening, working a bit on the honeycomb blanket and of course socks, but I haven't had a lot of time to sit and knit - falling asleep in the chair with knitting in your lap doesn't really count - does it? lol We have had lots and lots of games to go to, the girls are having a great time, I LOVE it that it is staying light out later and I have hope that the pollen count will come down before my head explodes like an overinflated balloon! I also have hope that the May Flies (those teen tiny, almost impossible to see little black flies that will bite you until you are screaming "uncle" at the top of your lungs) will meet an early demise! ![]() Poor Beau isn't immune to them either, his belly is all chewed up from just going out in the yard! We've had him to the vet a couple of times over the last few weeks as he is loosing his fur on his front legs. He has tested negative for any kind of mites, and antibiotics seem to be helping (they became infected), but it is still a bit of a mystery as to what caused it. There are buds on the trees, bees buzzing (I hate bugs) the tulips will bloom soon, spiders crawling (did I tell you I hate bugs) and as soon as it gets warm enough, the crab grass will grow and no one will know that my yard consists of rocks and dirt! This is the time of year that the "lawn service" companies call and ask if they can come and take care of your " lawn" - - these calls are my cue to laugh hysterically and ask them if they have EVEN bothered to DRIVE by my house? Their answer is usually no, and I can often get them laughing when I ask if they have something to spread to rid my yard of rocks and ledge! Dh has been busy refinishing the kitchen cabinets (they are coming out gorgeous) and has informed me that he has his LIST of outside projects to do for the summer! LOL (shhhhh - did I laugh out loud!) ![]() I'm thrilled it's the weekend, we have laundry, grocery shopping, school projects and softball ![]() |
Comments on "~Spring is Springing!~"
Sounds like you had a great evening on your "date". Any excuse to buy a to me from me present, gotta love it!! You really didn't want my opinion on the on the marriage thing did ya? ;) Give little Beau a hug from his Aunt, enjoy the lovely weather this weekend! Love, Patti
Hi . . . nice "chatting" with you this morning. Hope the grocery store wasn't too horrific!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
awwww!! Glad to hear that you date was a good one ; )
I hear you about the stinking allergies.. I'm going to order a bubble to live in. *L* My cat, bear, started losing hair on his back legs a few months ago, I took him to the vet. He had FLEAS!!! He got a flea bath every month!! I guess that wasn't enough, he's on Advantage now, and his hair is finally starting to grow back!! : D
happy belated anniversary...sounds like you a had a fun date :D
p/s thanks for all your kind thoughts :)