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Knitting from the Heart

About Me
- Name: Cathy
- Location: Massachusetts
I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)
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Blogs I Enjoy
- *Amy Artisan
- *Dances With Wool
- *Fell in Love with a Purl
- *Fluffy Knitter
- *The Giving Flower
- *Guilty Pleasures
- *I Was Knit Together in My Mother's Womb
- *Knitty Blog
- *Kris Knits
- *Mason Dixon Knitting
- *Mistress Stash Enhancer
- *Mostly Self Taught
- *nothingbutknit
- *Poor Miss Finch
- *Stoneview
- *Two Wooden Sticks and a Ball of Wool
- *Yarn Harlot
Pattern and Informational Sites
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- *More Dishcloth Patterns
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- *Reversible Scarf Patterns *
- *Sock Knitting Tips Websites
- *Free Sock Pattern Links
- *Hints & Tips of Sock Knitting
- *Knitters Graph Paper
- ~Knitting Help
- *Knitty
- *Knitting Geek
- *MagKnits
- *Craft Yarn Council

Previous Posts
- ~I have Title Block~
- ~Family, A Look Back in Time, Minimal Amounts of C...
- ~See you in a Few~
- ~Happy Easter~
- ~Eggs, Eggs and Eggs~
- ~Snow, Sickness and KNITTING~
- ~Happy Birthday Matthew~
- ~FO and Prom Dress~
- ~Ranting and Ravings of a Tightly Wound Woman~
- ~Spring has Sprung?~

Comments on "~ 20 Years! OHMY! ~ & ~ Prom ~"
Happy Anniversary!! The time sure does fly doesn't it!
Congratulations on 20 years Cathy!
It sounds like it has been a fun & exciting time around your house with prom, softball, etc. :)
Happy Anniversary! Here's to 20 more, too!
Lyss looked absolutely beautiful. =)
Happy Anniversary!! Hope you had a great day. What gorgeous girls you have. :o)
Happy Anniversary!!!! Wow, 20 years, good for you! I hope you were able to go out for a nice romantic dinner to celebrate. Lyss looked absolutely stunning in her prom gown, and very pretty in her "normal cloths" too. You have such a gorgeous family. I'm so glad Matt was able to come home for the weekend too - looks like you all had a wonderful time.
Happy Anniversary Cathy and Hubster!!
Your DD is a knockout, ubba hubba! :)