Welcome to my world........ sometimes referred to as "Cathy-Land"...... this is a land where, Easter is NOT in 3 days, giving the Queen of Cathy-Land ~ me ;) ~ some much needed extra time to do the simple things in life, such as shop, bake, clean the house, cook, put together Easter Baskets, color eggs, BUY white eggs if I can even find them now, make birthday cake... etc., etc., etc. Alas, the evil minions that invade Cathy-Land have come again and RUINED it, leaving nothing but panic and chaos in their wake - THERE IS NOT ENOUGH TIME! aaaaaaaaaack! But in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, "I won't think about that right now".....
Before I get onto my knitting news (yes I AM back in Cathy-Land for a brief time) - I would like to THANK all of you that commented on my last post - not only were the comments very sweet, kind, supportive and very much appreciated - but there were 12 comments (I know this doesn't sound like much to those of you that always get a TON of comments, but to me it was AWESOME, and yes I will count Mia's twice :))! Thank you SO MUCH!
On to knitting news, since I put my tail bone out last Friday, I tried to take it a little bit easy this past weekend, so on Sunday while sitting with the sick, depressed child (who is much better now, thank you all) who couldn't go to her softball pizza, team bonding, party, I made these little lovelies . Basic baby socks ~ easy as pie ~ instant gratification ~ LOVE IT. I have been using this very heavy marble egg (is this a project spectrum color?) to tighten up and even out my Kitchener stitches on the toes and finally broke down and purchased this lovely - - now the rationality behind all of this is that it is Easter, and everyone needs a new egg at Easter time.... no? ;) It's gorgeous, beautifully made and arrived here in no time Priority Mail! YAY
We bought Prom shoes this weekend (haven't taken a picture yet), but they are lovely little slides with silver on the straps to match the straps on the dress - Payless - so they didn't cost a fortune! wooooooooo hoooooooo. I got this lovely as a gift :) There are some cute things in here that I have no doubt my daughters will want and hopefully make themselves, or at least maybe Nicole will make them herself. I took Dad to the hospital yesterday for his Cataract surgery and made this while I waited - all went well, I believe, he has some follow up visits. It is the PSA that has us worried and he has to wait until the end of MAY to see that doctor! That infuriates me, but that is another rant :) He is in good spirits as usual and hopeful about his eye. It has been a hot debate between doctors as to whether or not he has macular degeneration under the cataract that they just removed or not, so we will find out soon enough. Keeping my fingers crossed for him :)
Well, I'm off to bring the Art Teacher to work and then pick Dad up from doctors appointment and then back to work. I suppose I should THINK ABOUT going to the grocery store and BJ's since the minions keep telling me that I AM OUT OF TIME! ;)
I'll leave you with a Beau picture..... that is his towel that he carries around with him everywhere and he has brought one of his stuffed toys to sleep on and cuddle with! He truly is too funny!
 Have a great day! |
Comments on "~Eggs, Eggs and Eggs~"
Don't worry about all the details involved with "making Easter" - make sure you take the time to just enjoy everyone! :)
Looking forward to seeing what you make from One Skein! :)
The socks look cute!
I love Cathy-Land!!! In Karen-Land Easter isn't coming at all (long story, but really depressed about it this year). But yeah, you should probably get the grocery shopping out of the way today - I think each day that the stores will get more and more insane with each day that goes by. :( I'm so glad your Dad's surgery went well, and will send out positive thoughts for continuing eye health. Your socks are too cute, and I love your new darning egg (I think that's what they're called??). Okay, don't worry, you'll get everything done for Easter . . . and anything that doesn't get done isn't that important. :)
Oh I keep seeing that book everywhere. I can't wait to see what you make from it.
Those socks are so cute. Aren't babies fun to knit for, it goes so fast! I love that egg!! I'm on an egg hunt myself-I'd like to find a good darning egg if I can. I've started looking in second hand stores-I'm determined to find something good. See you next time in Cathy-land. I like how the sun is always shining here and it smells like coconuts. :o)
I love the baby socks, what pattern are they? And as far as darning eggs, I have one that was my grandmother's, they ARE great for toes!
I am so glad that your Dad's surgery went well. Healing thoughts are going his way...
And finally...Don't get so caught up in the preparation that you don't/can't enjoy the holiday itself!
Darn those evil minions!! There just aren't enough hours in the day. I feel your panic about all the Easter preparations... I know how overwhelming it all can be, but I know your family appreciates all the effort you put into making it such a special holiday even more than the end product itself. I'm so glad to hear that your dad is doing well after the surgery- I will continue to send good thoughts and vibes for a speedy recovery and an all-clear PSA. Your baby socks are so cute!! And I LOVE your darning egg! I remember seeing those on FKD's blog and thinking that they were ingenious tools. Can't wait to see what you knit from One Skein, too! Hugs to you and take care, Cathy! :-)
I hope that you are feeling better! Oooouch! That had to hurt!
Yeah, since when is Easter this Sunday? Wasn't it just New Years?? AcKK!!
Are you on the cancellation list for the Dr's visit in May? That's an awful long wait!
We are continuing to keep you and yours in our daily thoughts ((hugs)) take care
Beau is just so sweet! awwww : )
Eggs everywhere and all beautiful! I'm a bit late Cathy, hope your Easter was special!
Beau is TOO precious! thanks for stopping by my blog, I am about half way done with the magic loop sock. It really goes quickly and beats having to buy two circs! Marj