~New "Share-A-Long"?~
I came across a post from Jenn on the Mason Dixon KAL site regarding a search for a pattern for knit slippers like the ones her grandmother used to make. I, too, at one time searched and searched for a pattern similar to the slippers my grandmother made. In talking with a variety of crafters, it seems to be common that most grandmothers and great grandmothers did most everything from memory (I don't EVER remember seeing a pattern for anything in my grandmother's hands). The heirloom patterns we do come across, or are shared with us by friends are treasured! ~ This all got me to thinking....... Would there be an interest in an Heirloom Pattern Share-A-Long? (may have to come up with a new name ;)) I realize that this is a knitting blog, but my grandmother, mother and aunts all taught me to sew, embroider, needlepoint, crochet and knit (tatting was something I sadly didn't master), therefore, I would be open to including patterns other than knitting. These patterns could be treasured patterns that you are willing to share from your own family, friends etc., patterns (free) found on the web that remind you of family heirlooms, or patterns that you have created that mirror old family patterns. ~ I know there are quite a few people that come and visit my blog, so if you would let me know what you think about this idea, if you're interested or not, and maybe ask your blog readers or friends if they'd be interested in joining (spread the word) - - I can see how much interest there is, and hopefully get this going. I think it would be fun! ****************************************** I'd like to send a HUGE ![]() ~ Have a safe and happy weekend! |
Comments on "~New "Share-A-Long"?~"
I think the Share-A-Long is a great idea!!! I too have searched for a pattern for slippers like Grandma used to knit. I found on that comes pretty close (I hope I can remember where I found it!!!) Have a wonderful time with Matt and your visitors. Happy 4th of July!