Thank you to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and hugs - I can't tell you how much they are appreciated by all of us. Bloggers are wonderful people! ****************************** I am still on that wildly spinning wheel called life with kids, that won't stop or even slow down! There has been so much going on that I really don't know where to start so I will give a brief rundown with a few pictures.
 Nicole and her partner won Honorable Mention in the Math fair! Woooooo Hoooooo
******************************  Emily went to her Semi-Formal and had a great time - I spent the better part of an hour straightening her curly hair so that I could make BIG LOOSE WAVY CURLS that she wanted (please note here that it was RAINING and curly hair doesn't like to be straightened in the rain). She was very happy with it and I put enough "stuff" in it that it didn't dare frizz OR curl! ******************************
 We had a wedding to attend and Melyssa got her father on his feet for a dance (actually, she doesn't dance either, so it was an impressive sight all around! ;)) The wedding was lovely despite the torrential downpours that brought the ceremony indoors, and despite the fact that the cake fell apart before the ceremony - the bride was lovely in her absolutely GORGEOUS gown that hid the pink flip flops she was proudly wearing underneath! lol She is truly her own person and is loved for it! She is now on her honeymoon with NO LUGGAGE! Her husband has his, she has NOTHING and no word on when it "might" arrive. This should make for some great storytelling in the future!
****************************** We have had tons of softball and a lot of softball postponed due to the rain! Nicole had a tournament this past weekend and was awarded the Game Ball after the last game - she was thrilled. We have THREE tournaments this weekend all in different places! THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN! ;) I'm happy they are having fun, but it sure is hard to keep up with the laundry when you aren't home! I can't imagine what life will be like when this all goes away - I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself! ****************************** As far as knitting progress - there isn't much to report. I've been working on more baby socks because they are so portable. OH AND SPEAKING OF BABIES.... My lovely friend Jenn has given birth to an absolutely GORGEOUS baby boy! I won't post any pictures without asking her permission first, so you will have to just take my word for it - he is adorable! :) ****************************** I hope you all have a great week. The sun is finally out here (I know because my nose is so burnt, it's all I can see!) just in time for Spree Days and Class Trips and hopefully some summer fun! Thanks for being so patient with my horrible blogging lately and my just as horrible commenting! I promise to try and catch up on my bloglines tomorrow! For now..... Goodnight! |
Comments on "~Spinning Wheel of Life~ ;)"
Oh you are busy!! I know how that can be-it's hectic here too but I think you win this hectic race.
Your girls are gorgeous!
my oh my have you been busy!! Congrats to Emily! And Melyssa is in the playoffs yay!
Congrats to Nicole for earning the honorable mention!