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Knitting from the Heart

About Me
- Name: Cathy
- Location: Massachusetts
I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)
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Blogs I Enjoy
- *Amy Artisan
- *Dances With Wool
- *Fell in Love with a Purl
- *Fluffy Knitter
- *The Giving Flower
- *Guilty Pleasures
- *I Was Knit Together in My Mother's Womb
- *Knitty Blog
- *Kris Knits
- *Mason Dixon Knitting
- *Mistress Stash Enhancer
- *Mostly Self Taught
- *nothingbutknit
- *Poor Miss Finch
- *Stoneview
- *Two Wooden Sticks and a Ball of Wool
- *Yarn Harlot
Pattern and Informational Sites
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Previous Posts
- ~Please Pray~
- ~Birthday Camping Weekend~
- ~One Year of TightlyWound~LooselyKnit Blogging~
- ~Knit-a-Longs and Crafting Fun~
- ~~I AM still among the living~~
- ~The Dangerous Side of Beauty~
- ~We're Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!~
- ~Summer Vacation~ YAY!
- ~Good, Bad and New Sock Knitter~
- ~New "Share-A-Long"?~

Comments on "~I am Thankful~"
I am so glad no one was seriously injured.
Oh my goodness, how scary . . . both for them and for you. I am so thankful they are both okay. Sounds like the guy who hit them is a real piece of work. I hope he gets in serious trouble for this one.
That is pretty scary, particularly given what just happened to your friend. I am glad your girls are okay. There are so many bad drivers out there, drivers with suspended licenses....it is such a bad situation and the punishments are so lenient that I don't think these people take it too seriously. Thank goodness this ended relatively well for your girls.
Thank God, they are both ok. It' sooooo scary. I hope you don't have any more problems.
ohmygoodness!I'm glad to hear your girls are alright. very scary
Thank goodness they are ok. I've been in 3 accidents where the others have been at fault-luckily no one was injured but it sure is frustrating and scary. My love to you and your family!!