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Knitting from the Heart

About Me
- Name: Cathy
- Location: Massachusetts
I LOVE my family, my pets, the beach and knitting (not necessarily in that order ;)
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Blogs I Enjoy
- *Amy Artisan
- *Dances With Wool
- *Fell in Love with a Purl
- *Fluffy Knitter
- *The Giving Flower
- *Guilty Pleasures
- *I Was Knit Together in My Mother's Womb
- *Knitty Blog
- *Kris Knits
- *Mason Dixon Knitting
- *Mistress Stash Enhancer
- *Mostly Self Taught
- *nothingbutknit
- *Poor Miss Finch
- *Stoneview
- *Two Wooden Sticks and a Ball of Wool
- *Yarn Harlot
Pattern and Informational Sites
- *Great Knitting Links
- *Dishcloth Boutique
- *More Dishcloth Patterns
- *Free Pattern Directory
- *Reversible Scarf Patterns *
- *Sock Knitting Tips Websites
- *Free Sock Pattern Links
- *Hints & Tips of Sock Knitting
- *Knitters Graph Paper
- ~Knitting Help
- *Knitty
- *Knitting Geek
- *MagKnits
- *Craft Yarn Council

Previous Posts
- ~Summer Vacation~ YAY!
- ~Good, Bad and New Sock Knitter~
- ~New "Share-A-Long"?~
- ~Life~Knitting~Question~Pets~
- ~Lost in Cyberspace~
- ~Just for Fun~
- ~on why I HATE Blogger~and am so pround of my kids~
- ~Spinning Wheel of Life~ ;)
- ~A Light Has Gone Out~
- ~TWLK Mom emerges from Softball Field!~

Comments on "~We're Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!~"
Welcome back!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful time - I'm so happy for you!!! Whew, you sure have been busy since you've been back though. Try to find a few moments for quiet time for yourself - okay?? Love ya!
Welcome back. Those are some great pictures! Looks like a lot of fun.
Welcome back Cathy! The pictures tell the story of a wonderful vacation - yay for you all! :)
And all that reading - how great!
Welcome back! awww, the beach... *sigh* I miss it already! Sounds like you guys had a great vacation too! I know what you mean, where did summer go?? Why can't it be longer, really? ; )