~Comfort/Welcome Blanket~
A few of you have contacted me about making a comfort blanket for my friend Jenn. I held off on making a decision for a lot of reasons. Most of these have to do with Jenn and how she has been feeling and my respect for her and what she is going through - (things that I won't go into here). I do think that a comfort blanket along with a smaller Welcome Blanket version may be in order now... Jenn is expecting a baby in June! I look upon this news as a gift, however, she will need all the support and love that she can get as she is now doing this alone. If any of you are interested in contributing to this project, please contact me. I will begin thinking about square sizes and the number needed. I may be calling upon Cindy (if she is feeling well enough) for some help in the planning of this, as she is truly a veteran and was one of the first to ask to be involved if I did this. *********************************** Jenn did not go without some comfort from me. I sent her this comfort shawl (they are also called Prayer Shawls) which was made by my mother-in-law - as I didn't have any of my own left here to send out right away. This shawl is based on a K3, P3 pattern, which is described by the founders of this ministry as symbolic in the fact that patterns of threes can be found in all religions and societies... Human existence has three stages: birth, life, death. Time has three divisions: past, present, future. The panorama of colors is based on three primary colors. Human "being" has three parts: body, mind, spirit. The virtues most often mentioned are faith, hope and love. There are more, but I think you get my point! lol ![]() ![]() The Shawl Ministry is something that is dear to my heart and I have often thought of starting one of my own. These shawls are a warm , soft hug for someone that is sick, grieving or lonely. If anyone would like more information on these, please let me know. The prayer that I sent along with this shawl came from their ministry site as well... Prayer For Comfort © 2006 All rights reserved By: Cathleen O'Meara Murtha, DW www.shawlministry.com As you wrap yourself in the prayer shawl of comfort... May the Mother of Mercy, the Father of Faithfulness and the Spirit of Compassion wrap you in their all-encompassing love this day. May you find comfort from all that appears too much to bear at this moment from all that feels as if it might be the breaking point from all that seems to threaten your peace of heart. May this prayer shawl be a shelter for time of overwhelming grief a shade in times of sorrow too deep for words a shield from times of unimaginable losses. May you be comforted by the presence of those who love and support you by faith in the eternal Loving One by the memories of those you hold most dear. May you be strengthened in your daily comings and goings in your tentative new beginnings in your unfolding new memories. Blessings of the Angel of Comfort be with you now and forevermore. It is comforting for me to know that she has this to wrap up in when she feels the need for a hug and some comfort and no one is around to give it at that time. |
Comments on "~Comfort/Welcome Blanket~"
Cathy what you did is wonderful. I am so in for whatever we can do to let her know that they are people out there, who while not being in her shoes, can certainly send care and compassion her way.
Awesome...I remember Jenn and hope that she will heal with time and the love of those close to her.
Yes, count me in on squares for the comfort and/or welcome blanket. Let me know if I can do anything at all to help as well. I'd be happy to make you a button for the project, or anything you might need.
Let me know if I can help with squares.
Cathy, you are an amazing and wonderful friend. Hugs to you and prayers for Jenn.