~Knitting?~ A wee bit :)
First I want to thank all of you that signed up to make a square for Jenn's Blanket from the bottom of my heart! Knitters never cease to amaze me and I am truly grateful for your kindness. Some of your emails brought tears to my eyes and I have saved them for a future time when Jenn may want to know who the wonderful people are that made her this gift of love. I believe that I have personally sent an email to everyone that contacted me, but in the event that I haven't, would you please contact me again, with your email address? I have compiled a list of "comfort knitters" that you can see here, or by clicking on the link I put up under Jenn's button on the left sidebar. If you signed up and you aren't there, or the link I put to your website is wrong, please let me know and I'll fix any errors. We have a total of 47 squares promised so far and one is in the mail already! Would you please continue to spread the word so that we can get up to our goal of 64 (as I seriously doubt that I can get 12 squares done in a hurry at this time of the year)? Thank you again SO MUCH! *********************************************************************** Knitting? There really has been knitting happening. I just haven't had the time to post about it. Between Nic's surgery and Lyss' Field Hockey and the disaster I call work - life has gotten totally away from me. Nicole is doing well since her surgery, but she has been having some episodes of irregular and fluttery heartbeats. I have contacted the cardiologist and will speak with the surgeon again on Monday to see if this is "normal" aftereffects or not (this kid is killing me ;)). *********************************** (The following post was originally written on the 5th and I didn't realize I hadn't posted it, so I will update it now - cheating? absolutely! lol) I brought knitting with me to the hospital the day of her surgery, believing that it would once again be a comfort to me. I was wrong. My hands were shaking so badly in the waiting room while she was in surgery that I was unable to knit more than an inch of the ribbing on these mitts. I spent the next 3 hours holding onto it, which I suppose is a comfort in itself. I picked them up again a few nights after and was able to knit for 1/2 an hour before my eyes started to close! age maybe? This will be the first in another pair of the fingerless mitts that I made last Spring. This is the second ball of Diakieto yarn I had purchased. I have to say that I like the colorway of the first pair much better, but these will make a lovely Christmas gift for someone. The yarn is so soft, warm and lightweight. I'd also like to try the Fetching Mitts by Knitty that everyone is knitting - I think they would be a great gift for the nieces. I do think that I would have to make the finger portion longer for myself as that is the part of my hand that is ALWAYS cold - I realize that it will take more than 50 grams, but Hey! I'm worth it! ;) *********************************** Melyssa's Field Hockey team lost their district game, but they have so much to be proud of. Their record last year was 0-17-1 and this year was 10-7-2. A much better way to end a high school career and end her first year as goalie! My favorite goalie on Senior day! ![]() The Seniors! ![]() ******************************************************* Matt has come home for the holiday week - we are ALL thrilled to have him back, I have company flying in from Ohio and Virginia for the holiday and needless to say, I have tons of cleaning and cooking to get done! Aside from all of the activity that is involved in hosting holidays I am especially conscious of the good fortune I have in family and friends... I am grateful for my little family every day and for the extended family that I have left. I am also grateful for my "blog family" - you have touched my heart in a way that I find hard to describe! Thank you! Have a good Sunday and Happy Knitting :) |
Comments on "~Knitting?~ A wee bit :)"
Big hug!!! Have I sent enough of those your way yet?
Happy Sunday to you too Cathy! Love the mitts and great pics of your senior superstar :)
I'd be happy to make a square for your friend. I'm lucky enough to have almost all of my loved ones around me still this coming holiday season. I can't imagine the horror if they were all suddenly to be stripped from me.
I've got 2 squares done and a third on my needles...
Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate Cathy, hope things settle down for you soon. Stress is not good....I know too well, first hand.
I was so glad to help with Jenn's blanket and got my square and card to her in the mail yesterday. Look forward to seeing the finished blanket. Definitely a labour of love and a testament to the wonder of bloggers.
Huggs, G