Long lost blogger returns! I can't believe how fast time has flown by and yet has seemingly stood still - does anyone else ever feel this way? A week ago today I was snowed in on my weekend away with my "sister", and yet it feels more like a month ago! I need a reality check!
So......... I left Friday morning at 6:30, stopped at the dentist to make sure there were no infections - there were none. I called the Dr's office and he called in a prescription for a sinus infection (I'm a chronic sufferer), but I told him I wouldn't take it until I had a fever. I now believe it was a combination mild migraine and beginning sinus infection - but removing my head would have been fine with me! The drive was uneventful, we hit up the Christmas Tree Shop before heading off to our Suite (GOD I LOVE GOING AWAY!) and checked in early. Our room was on the 4th floor .... sitting area, kitchenette - which we stocked with plenty of goodies, and a basket waiting for us from Patti's hubby, here she is making friends with the wine that was in the basket ;) (it didn't last long - must have bigger bottle next time lol) and here is just one of the belated birthday gifts from her... how gorgeous is this? It is called Panda Moon in a gorgeous frame, cross stitched and she dyed the fabric herself! I LOVE IT! We went to our favorite place for dinner (I opted for wine in lieu of pain medication or antibiotics, along with my microwaveable rice bag to put on my face) - it worked pretty well~! We brought along plenty of DVD's and LOTS AND LOTS of crafts!
Saturday we went to our favorite craft store where I purchased these lovelies (among other things ;)) I know the picture doesn't do the Diakeito justice, but it is JUST GORGEOUS and oh SO SOFT! (note... I noticed when clicking on this thumbnail that the picture looks like there is some kind of glittery thread in the yarn - there is not in reality any) I will be making more mittens or fingerless mitts with this stuff - it's fantastic! We headed back to our "home away from home" had some wine, did some cross stitching and knitting, watched some movies, laughed A LOT and headed back out to our "favorite place" for dinner again - where we had some more wine and more laughs! It was great! We hadn't planned on going to the same place for dinner twice, but the food is wonderful, the people that work there are wonderful ~ why bother going somewhere else. Friday night we had the crabcakes, smashed potatoes and vegetables (awesome) and Saturday night we had the Fisherman's chowder and split a portabello mushroom sandwich on ciabatta bread - ahhhhhhhh!
Sunday morning we woke up to snow! Here is Dh's truck..... ~ we sadly (not) called our families and told them we wouldn't be able to make it home until Monday morning ~ as we hunkered down on our beds with our crafts, coffee and movies! We did venture outside early afternoon to dig out the vehicles and move them into plowed spaces, Patti helped another guest (car parked next to my truck in the picture) dig out and she gifted us with ........ you guessed it! a bottle of WINE! lol
After digging out I cast on my Olympic knit and after ripping it out three times, and knitting myself blind - I had this.... my first fingerless mitt with cable! I must say that the cables were a piece of cake and I was somewhat impressed with myself that I managed to get the cable worked into this pattern - I am planning, however, to rip it out completely and begin again as the cable should be one rib repeat closer to the thumb ~~ and since I am severely obsessive compulsive about such things, I can't in good conscience leave it the way it is. I should have flipped my hand over so that you could see that the thumb opening is moved over enough to expose more palm than it should to make the cable centered. I'm also toying with the idea of going up a needle size as the cable seems to have made this glove a bit more snug than I'd like.
Now I'm sure there are those of you out there that are saying, no problem, there is no reason for her not to finish in time for the Olympic closing ceremonies - damn, she knit that one in a day - well, I'll tell you, I haven't picked up a knitting needle since I came home! I am hoping to get some knitting done SOON, but the "people" that I live with are throwing all sorts of wrenches into my plans! lol Not to mention that my little Beau started puking again last night - EVERYWHERE! I do believe that he can't tolerate rawhide, especially since he swallows most of it WHOLE! He is now eating boiled hamburg and rice again! Along with that, my poor little Em is breaking out in phantom hives again - this happened a couple of years ago and she was tested for everything under the sun and they found nothing - here we go again!
All in all it was a wonderful weekend, even with the terrible headaches - we got an extra day out of it, watched 15 or 16 movies, did tons of crafts and enjoyed some much needed r&r! I'll be making my way around the blogs to see how everyone else is doing soon, until then stay warm, don't lick any poles... and HAPPY KNITTING! |
Comments on "~Reality Check~"
Sounds like the snowy "sister" weekend was a wonderful time for you! The Knitting Olympic project looks great - can't wait to see the finished goods. :)
I'm glad to hear you had a great time with your sister. Those mitts look great!! I made some similar to those and did the same thing with the cable. I ripped because it was two stitches too far away from the thumb. I guess I'm anal, too. My pattern is on my site, in case you're interested.
Knit on!
I was just thinking about you yesterday . . . thinking "Hmmm, where is Cathy?? Hope everything is okay". Glad to see it (relatively) is. Your girls weekend sounds wonderful!!! I'm going to have to try that restaurant next time I'm in Danbury. I'm so glad you got an extra day out of it, and had good food, good wine, a good friend and lots of crafts. Heavenly. I love you mitt - wow, it's awesome!!! I still think you can squeek two out before the end of the Olympics. Cables look so hard, but when I read directions on how to do them they sound really easy. Glad to hear they were simple for you!! Poor Beau and Em - I hope they're both back on the mend soon. Okay, don't stay away so long next time. :)
So glad to hear you had such a wonderful weekend with your friend!! Sounds like just what the doctor ordered. ;-) Your new yarn is lovely and the cross-stitched Panda is just adorable! I'm so sorry to hear about Beau and Em, though- keeping my fingers crossed that they're both feeling better soon. Your fingerless mitt looks fantastic! I think gold might still be on the horizon! ;-) Take care, Cathy! :-)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I hope that the both the pup and Em are feeling better, too!
I used to break out in hives from Ivory soap...itchy little suckers, they are. I have also been known to grow blotchy when stressed out.
Anyways, the mitts look great, you can so get Gold!
mmm diaketto...awesome stuff, I can't afford it though :(
Your favorite restaurant looks great. I will have to take a drive and try it sometime this summer.