~Spring has Sprung?~
![]() HAPPY SPRING! I, once again, haven't been here much, but it has been quite the week. DH had his wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday, and was home for the rest of the week. Needless to say, I didn't get much done on my Wednesday at home - I'm not sure why that happens, even though he isn't in my way, I don't manage to get going on anything. We also have been taking care of this guy... ![]() I don't have much knitting news here (AGAIN!), but we did have an enjoyable week with the "boy", home from college! Here he is with the sister that is most like him, personality wise. They are silly/fun/obnoxious when they are together - I love it! ![]() ![]() ![]() The week went by so quickly and it was once again time to send him back to school :( Friends, who also have a son at the same college, were to drive them back on Sunday, but the poor woman arrived here so sick, husband at home with the stomach "bug", and I just couldn't let her drive for 7 hours in her condition. So off I went to Vermont and back! lol It was a nice ride and gave me some extra time to visit :). This week, I will be taking Lyss to pick out her dress for the Jr. Prom - this is a HUGE event here in our family as she has worn a dress/skirt exactly 2 times since she was 7 years old! We have a wedding shower to attend and I have tons of work to do for the Softball League and Work. Spring is a crazy busy time, but I am truly looking forward to some warmer weather and FLOWERS! We will continue to ignore the fact that it is a whopping 20 degrees here and has been snow flurrying! ugh! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Knitting, Happy Spring! |
Comments on "~Spring has Sprung?~"
What wonderful pics of your chidren! They look like they have such a great and close relationship. I'm so glad you were able to spend Spring Break with your son- it must have been so nice to have him home. Your BIL's retriever is adorable! He has such a gentle face. Best wishes with the prom dress hunt- how exciting!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Hang in there... it's spring!!:-) Take care, Cathy! :-)
Sounds like you had a wonderful week with your son. Time really does fly, doesn't it?
The kids look (and sound) quite happy to be together, that's wonderful that they get along so well! I remember prom time (sigh), so much fun...boys, which dress?, boys, how should I wear my hair?, boys, which shoes, boys, how should I do my make-up?, boys... =)
Have fun with it!
Hopefully it'll be warm soon, too!
What??? Spring??? You must be mistaken. It was 28 degrees here this morning. Surely that can't be spring weather - LOL!! I'm glad you had such a nice visit with "the boy". I love how close knit your family is (no pun intended there!).
Looks like everyone is enjoying spring break! Love the doggy pics. Now where is this Spring that you talk so much about??!?!? ; )