Hi everyone!
I can't believe how many interesting things are happening in "knitland" now - must be the anticipation of Spring?!
- Jay is having a great "Celebration Challenge" to celebrate his "bloggiversity" - great prizes - great fun - he is one talented guy (knitting, quilting, sewing etc, etc, etc,) - check out his site and all of his fantastic creations!
- Lolly, of course, has Project Spectrum going on through August. A no stress, no specific craft celebration of color and creativity! I can only imagine the WONDERFUL creations we are going to see from this!
- Kimberly has been making these awesome stitch markers and opened her own little shop!
- And knitalongs, LOTS and LOTS of knitalongs.... such as this and this and then there is this and this and this and who can live without the many, many sock knitalongs ?!
- Basically more good stuff than I can list here - have a look see :)
Then I just read over here, that on Sunday at 3pm EST, on the Oxygen Network, a new show called Stitchcraft! will be on, hosted by Lily Chin and featuring knit.1 editor-in-chief, Adina Klein ~~~~ AND will include a behind the scenes storyline about this guy's photoshoot..... I think I can spare a "little bit of time" ;) how 'bout you? ;) I have pulled out some baby bootie patterns and maybe a baby blanket pattern or two (or three or four) because my dear friend Jen and her soon to be hubby have asked me to be the Godmother to the baby they are expecting in July! I am so touched that they have asked me that I can't even put my feelings into words. One glitch in all of this happiness is that she lives on the other side of the country and I absolutely HATE PLANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate them to the very DEPTHS of my being - oh and did I tell you that I'm terrified of heights? Ok so there you are - I would rather give birth to 4 kids (c-sections too) than get on a plane! oiy vey - I NEED to somehow work this out in my head - or find a seriously STRONG tranquilizer! Ok, sing along with me now................ The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrowwwwwwwwwww, there'll be sun! I'm hoping this is my tomorrow..... for those of you that remember this ~~~~~ my dh came home with THIS for me to test drive to see what I thought! I almost PASSED OUT! I so didn't want another mini-van, I've been driving one for 16 years - at the very least - and I'm not too much of a car person - my dream vehicle was always (well since I got "older", we won't go into the dreams of the younger me ;)) a Suburban, so I think that this test drive vehicle (Explorer with third row seat) was a good size/gas consumption compromise - don't you? AND IT IS MY COLOR :) A 2004, sickeningly low mileage and a very, very low price to boot! The only drawback to the vehicle is that it has a faint odor of smoke (as in cigarette smoke- dh and I were both smokers but quit about 12 years ago) he will check into having the interior cleaned again - I doubt that that will be enough to sink the deal. I checked the history on it on Carfax.com and it is clean as a whistle. I'm starting to think that my patience with this situation may have worked out for the best. We shall see tomorrow - just thinkin' abouuuuuut tomorrow clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrooooooooow 'til there's none! - look everyone, I've turned into a bad musical impressionist! - please keep your fingers crossed for me if you are so inclined. I am off to bed, to dream of having a vehicle (that doesn't belong to teenagers and their gym bags, snack leftovers, and basically things that I can't or don't want to attempt to identify!) of my own again! wooooooooo hooooooooo! Sweet dreams and happy knitting/crafting/singing ;) |
Comments on "~The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow....~"
No sun today, but plenty of SNOW (the evil four-letter word!!) Hmm, I wonder if we get O! - that show looks very, umm, informative, umm, for the knitting and all, umm, you know. :) Fingers crossed for the new car!!
Oh don't worry about the smoke smell, it goes away! We bought our car used and, like everyone else here in Germany, the previous owners were smokers. It was the only thing I didn't like about the car. We bought it, I had it cleaned and after a while it did go away. I have the most sensitive nose anywhere and when I say it's ok, then it's ok. Go for it!!
Thanks for mentioning my markers! You're super, but then we knew that already. :)
So glad to hear that things are looking up for you!! I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you about the car. And how wonderful to be named godmother! There are so many adorable baby knits out there- I'm sure you'll have lots of fun picking out a cute pattern! I feel your pain on planes, too. On long flights, I order several bottles of airline wine. It usually does the trick! ;-) Take care, Cathy! :-)
Congrats on being named godmother! :) I spoil my goddaughter so much & it so much fun! :)
I'm still drooling over the hottie! What did you say? oh, yeah! Congratulations on being named Godmother! What an honor! How about a cross-country road trip? With plenty of stops along the way in the new car? My finger's and needles are crossed for ya! Good luck : D