"I Hate March ~ not too particularly thrilled with myself either"
![]() There is a bright spot in all of this ~ I picked Matt up from college Friday! We had a great ride home and I, as well as dh and the girls, are thrilled to have him home! I have no knitting to show, as I have ripped everything I've started out - I think maybe it's time for a pair of socks (i.e., a nice, soothing, calming knit). I will leave you with a few pictures of college taken before all the snow fell:) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My two favorite guys :) Thanks for "listening" - Happy knitting and have a good night. |
Comments on ""I Hate March ~ not too particularly thrilled with myself either""
AAAHHHH, YOU CAN NOT QUIT ON THE BLOG WORLD!!!! I so look forward to reading your blog and am happy every time I see your feed light up on Bloglines. You have plenty to contribute. Your great knitting projects . . . your lovely crafts . . . your yummy recipes . . . your wonderful family. We would miss you so much! Maybe it is just end-of-winter March blahs. Hang in there, spring is just around the corner. Hugs!!
Oh I'm going through that same thing!! I called it blog block in one of my posts and I'm really trying to fight it. I think you're right, it's March and time for some great weather to pull us out. Don't stop blogging-just take a break until your socks are done and then it will all fall back into place. This is why I started the lent-along so I wouldn't just tread water but had something to do. :)
NOOO!!! Please don't quit blogging!! Like Karen and Kimberly, I look forward to your posts, whether they're knitting related or not. You have wonderful recipes, crafts and of course, beautiful pics of your family that we all look forward to. I love the pics of your son's college! I feel the same way about blogging sometimes, wanting to just hang it up whenever the blahs hit. But please don't stop! We'd miss you so much! Maybe like Kimberly suggested, just taking a break might help. I found that I started to enjoy blogging more again once I stopped feeling like I had to post so often. Take care and hugs to you, Cathy! :-)
Me too! Me too! My recent bout of swatching madness is glaring proof that I have had no motivation for any of my projects. I've decided that I am blaming it on winter blahs and my hatred of the month of March. I finally seem to be pulling myself out of the funk and started a bright colored scarf for Project Spectrum. Hold tight for a couple more weeks and spring'll be here.
Oh, that is so sweet... have such a great time that your heart hurts!
And what amazing scenery! I wish Queensland was that green... I miss green, which is probably why it has become my favourite colour.
Don't quit! I think everyone is going through some kinda "blah" right now! Hang in there! Hopefully this "blah" will pass! (I hope soon!!) Thanks for your kind comment : )
Vermont looked loverly!!